Thursday 27 December 2007


Haa.. finally.. a medically related topic.

I just finished writing up my case report on Neurorehabilitation. And boy, what a long time it took me to complete the report. I couldn't concentrate on the report, for various reasons:-
  1. The layout of the main sections of the report was dictated by my supervisor right from the very beginning. There were 9 questions that I have to answer about a specific patient (with brain injury). Meaning that, like it or not, I have to answer the fecking questions. Mind you, they are not questions with clear cut answers, but rather questions that require critical thinking and certainly no bluffing. (eg: Where do you think the patient is in his rehabilitation journey?) Bloody hekk!
  2. I have no interest what so ever in pursuing my career in Rehabilitation Medicine. Some people may find that it is absolutely interesting, but I'm just not one of that people. For me, in my humble opinion, I cannot deal with such matter. The work is a bit too dull, seeing same patients over and over again, very long patient turnover, chronic pain management, and most importantly, I don't think I can handle the fact that most of the patients in in-patient neurorehabilitation have poor prognosis. I'm just too cheerful for all that bleak outlook.
  3. I cannot write what I want. Previous reports that I've written are all case study with emphasis on current clinical trials and latest research. I like all the newest discoveries. For Rehabilitation Medicine, most of papers that I've read are either inconclusive or suggesting further studies on the subject matter. It was damn hard trying to reference the report!
Anyways, I managed to scourge for 25 different references and ended up with ~4100words. And I designed this beautiful cover for my report. Hah! Glad that I finished it finally. Now I can watch as much tv and sleep as much as I want without the guilt.

Movies watched since that: Monsters Inc. and The Terminal
Dishes cooked since that: Chicken in Red Spicy Sauce
Desserts made since that: Apple Crumble and Fruit Cocktail Jelly and loads of Pancakes.

I'm going to BIG CITY first thing in the morning. Some post-Christmas shopping need to be done. I need (NEED!!) to buy harness and climbing shoes. And possibly (not in so much need, hehe) some pretty shoes.

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