Tuesday 1 January 2008

Is it 2008 already?

Gosh, it really is 2008 already. Ready or not ready, it's already 2008. [pun intended] (Editor's Note: p53 like to amuse herself by saying thing like that. What a weirdo!) Editor, please be nice with me- it's only the first day of 2008.

I swear to God that this is the most boring new year that I have ever had. Completely dumbfounded by the sheer lack of interestingness in my life right now. Last night I watched the countdown on TV alone. Today I watched CSI alone. Basically I've been watching TV alone all day long since like before Christmas (minus few days when I went to BIG CITY for shopping). Imagine that. No, don't even imagine that, it is just too PAINFUL. And I swear to God that I will never that level of boredom ever catch me again at any time in future. Ever!

Class gonna start pretty soon (tomorrow? yeah it starts tomorrow) and all I will hear from most of my dear friends would be "what I did in Gran Canaria", "look at this tan I got from Morocco", "do you want to see the photos i've taken on my phone when I snowboard in the Alps". Oh, puhlezz.. Dear God, grant me strength. I fucking hate it. I don't mind the fact that they are all lucky enough to have vacations all over the world, I did it myself periodically, but this time around I stupidly didn't plan anything for my winter break. Hence, I had to stay in SmallCity all the fecking time. Pure torture!

Even though, all my housemates are back at home (from their hometown), the house is eerily quiet. I am the only one singing. I am the only one in the living room watching tv. I am the only one in kitchen making cups and cups of brew. Am I the only one alive here?

It seems that everyone just doesn't give a shit to anybody else (read: me!!!) in this house. HM#1 prefers to watch tv in her room, rather than with me in the living room. (What happens to the good old time of watching thriller like CSI together; trying to guess the next scene? Its just a simple thing, but it is one of the things I love.) HM#2 didn't even lift up her head (from her computer) when I entered her room to talk to her. She even said: Not tonight!! when I tried to show her a rather interesting song clip from youtube.com. (We used to exchange links for interesting clips/songs/website of artists humiliating themselves. No more of that. She sounded like she had enough of me.) HM#3 just stayed in her room --smoking. She tried to make small talk with me, and vice versa. Which is not happening as she is always eager to get back to her room, for you know why...

I feel absolutely lonely right now. All housemates are off-limit as they are just not interested to do social things anymore. All my best friends are away from UK. My friends from BIGCITY will not come and visit me in SmallCity. Simply because there's nothing to do here. I was on the phone for more than hour to my best gay friend. He managed to cheer me up just by listening to me yapping. And with that, I'm certain that I'm super duper lonely as I usually limit 5-10mins to a phone call. (I call him like once in 2 days and meet him every other day anyways). Now, imagine how lonely that was!!

I think my personality is not suited to live in time like this. I will actually die if I loss all social contacts. Well, probably not die, but turn nuts definitely! Just let me sleep and wake me up when the winter is over. Winter has somehow affects alot of people around me (turning them more sombre than ever) and I can't tolerate that. Gosh.

Let make prayers for this new year.
i) O dear God, give me more chance to make loads of new friends.
ii) O dear God, give me opportunity (and funding somehow, somewhere) to go travel the world.
iii) O dear God, cheer up all my friends.
iv) O dear God, improve my relationship with others.
v) O dear God, give me signs. About love. About true love. About conscience. Guide me.
vi) O dear God, ease my journey in this medical school.

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