Monday 28 January 2008

Sleep cycle

Gosh, my sleep cycle had been disturbed in the last few days.

This sleep cycle problem started last Friday when I had a full day (a real 8.30am-4.30pm) then went onto having a long night shift. I am not kidding. I was practically on my feet all day.

Antenatal clinic in the morning followed by teaching sessions (sat for a bit). Then I walked home (as part of my 30mins walk-each-day) and went straight to bed in view for long (and arduous?) night. Night shift started at 9. Nothing much (assisted in few -normalvaginal- deliveries) and I was with my favourite registrar all night (or should I say 'all morning'?). She taught me few things and we chatted a lot to kill the time.

I left the delivery unit at 7am and went straight to train station. Journey from smallcity to BIGCITY took about an hour. Then went aboard the coach heading to London. Slept all the way (shocking!! not!) Arrived in London, joined in the demonstrating crowd (refer previous post). Slept all the way back. It took us very long to get back to BIGCITY. I wonder at what speed did the driver drive the coach? (seem ages!)

Crashed at one of my friends place in BIGCITY as it was already too late to get back to smallcity. Next morning did a bit of shopping in BIGCITY. By midday, caught the train back to smallcity. Slept again. This time purely because I felt sick. You know the kind of sick/nauseous when you are just extremely tired. Ya, that one!

Arrived at (home sweet) home by 2pm and slept until 6pm. Took 2 paracetamol. Which worked wonders. Had a long hot bath and big dinner. Went to bed (for good and) for real by 12pm.

Monday morning, I had to be at delivery unit by 7am. I swear to God, it took me every ounce of my strength to get out of bed. I was almost delirious. Seriously. I must have look groggy then, as the midwife I was attached to offered me a cup of coffee almost immediately. After that, I think I looked more humane. The staff must have thought that I was nursing the world's biggest hangover. I was not. But maybe, hangover and severe withdrawal from SLEEPING!

PBL in the afternoon. No comment.

By the time I'm writing this, I am yawning. Annoyingly, I cannot go to bed just yet. Trying to regulate the cycle to normal. That and of course I need to read about gestational diabetes (for tomorrow morning I am gonna attend Diabetic Antenatal Clinic).

What happens if I take melatonin tablets?

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