Monday 21 January 2008

She's a fucking idiot!

...said my consultant.

That was for a patient with a history of PE on 7500units of heparin daily. Now you wonder why am I talking about the heparin-shit when I'm actually doing O&G placement. Well, it went like this. She was one of the patients we (my consultant and I) saw in a gynae clinic. She was asking for termination of pregnancy and I have to say I agreed with him about this (his statement, not the decision to terminate the pregnancy; its her choice at the end of the day). She's just plain stupid.

She had an abortion before in which afterwards she developed DVT that led to PE with all those thrombolysis business. She was put on Heparin from there onwards and was given strict instruction regarding contraceptive and DVT preventive measures.

This current (unfortunate) fetus is now 10 weeks. And she decided to have a termination just because of a slight argument she had with her mother-in-law. She is only 24 and has a son aged 2y-0.

She was slightly overweight. And she still SMOKE!!!! (with no intention to stop at all) You don't need to read medicine to know that smoking is dangerous (but if you were, you will know that smoking is one of the predisposing factors for DVT and well know that a patient with history of PE will be more at risk than other individual in the population anyway!)

And there she was: sitting right in front of me asking for yet another evacuation! (Editor's Note: So many exclamation marks!!) Did she not learn anything from the previous incident? I was shocked with her obliviousness to the degree of her problem (esp the smoking part with PE and she was pregnant, duh!!!) and my consultant was furious!!!

We left the consultation room to go to the doctors' room (to make a booking for an in-patient bed). That was when my consultant said "She's fucking idiot" and cornered me and asked "Do you smoke?" (with frowned forehead and all) (Ed: He could have been more dramatic if he were to pull your shirt's collar, but he didn't.)

She was arranged to have mifepristone the following weekend (Saturday) and stay as in-patient on sunday night, so the next medication (misoprostol) can be given under close supervision. Dual medication was indicated because success rate for complete abortion is higher with both. Plus she was already 10weeks in. The in-patient admission was indicated as safety measure, just in case she bleed after the misoprostol due to long term anticoagulation (high dose).

I have a feeling that she wont live for long. Coz she is utterly stupid! Smoking 10-20 a day with a history of PE/DVT! She also had two separate DSHs (that's deliberate self harm for you who don't know). I mean come on, would you NOT give a fuck about contraception when you well know that you are at very high risk of having complication(s) if you want the UNWANTED pregnancy to be terminated. I seriously dont know how her mind works.

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