Thursday 10 July 2008

How to have an amazing bath

oi) get the stuff ready.... you will need things to revive your senses. *more on this later*
ii) prepare yourself... if needs be prep up yourself by chanting (I will have nice bath today x5) from the break of dawn until it actually happen... there's something about anticipation that is really enticing...
iii) make sure no one will need the bathroom for the next 1 hour... leave notes, just lock yourself in- to hell about other ppl; do whatever to secure precious slot (even more so in a house of 5 girls)

Things you may need....
i) Hot water... I usually run the water very very hot. Almost scalding point to others I reckon, but I likkkkeeee.... Some ppl like it shallow, some may want it deep. Mine is brimming to the edges.
ii) Super nice smelling bubble bath/soap/gel. Last night I had a bath bomb from L.U.S.H. How very posh? I had it for ages (almost forgotten about it)... it has got some sort of sea salt/sand in it. I haven't been to a beach for a long long time, but I'm certain that the taste of the water (when it splashed, not me drinking it) was that of a sea origin.
iii) Loofah, sponge and the likes.
iv) Candle(s). Just to set the mood- switch of the light and watch the light flickers.. which is very soothing me thinks.
v) Book. A good one. *Details about the book that I'm currently reading will be in the next entry.*
vi) Coffee. Yeah- weird I know... but try having a cup of nicely brew HOT coffee.
vii) Music if you want to. Or sing it yourself. Like me.

Having a long hot bath is a spiritual act for me. Cleansing and rejuvenating. Feel the softness of the bubble around your skin, hear the music and let it crosses your heart, close your eyes and imagine the flicker of the candle wick, tempt your tastebuds with strong flavour and read book that you like. Put in few drops of essential oil to heighten sensation. Escape into your own universe and forget about the world for a moment. Take time to reflect and be thankful to God.

Now imagine these.

*The water is so hot that when you get out of the bath, a steam of vapour radiate from your skin. Like dry ice on display.
*I'm only thin, when I breathe in, my body kinda float above the water. The alternating floating out and sinking in is highly amusing.
*Try singing with both ears submerged under the water level. The sound that you can hear is purely that of bone conduction. And I love this song.
*Dont you just like the squeaky clean sensation on the calves after exfoliation and the cling of protective later of bath ingredients on your shoulder?

PS: Now who would like to share a bath with me?

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