Tuesday 15 July 2008


Last weekend was tough. I came very close to getting depressed. All because of this stupid BIG PROJECT that seems like its never gonna end. I wrote a very negative entry previously and I apologized to those who had (unluckily) read it. I deleted it as it didnt completely represent me and the nice person I am. Psst.. It was p35, an evil-ridden person in me that will come out when I'm feeling stressed out.

So yet again another weekend spent slaving to the need of completing project report. And what difficult task it was. It took me hours to figure out which statistical analysis is relevant the weekend before and this weekend more hours to figure out how to present them. However discussion section was by far the most difficult part for me.

Why oh why do we have to suffer like this?

Weather was not great. It was shit in fact. I can't wait until this Big Project finishes, then I can go to southern europe for my holiday. I'm counting days.

Due to this project and its demanding need (especially compulsory meetings with supervisor ACCORDING TO HIS FREE-TIME) I had missed few but very major things.
i) My best friend's graduation day in BIGCITY. ARRRGHHHH!
ii) I couldn't go to wave off my best friend's at the airport when she was leaving UK for good.
iii) A trip of a lifetime to Italy.

I absolutely hate this project now. Like I said, I'm counting days.

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