Tuesday 24 February 2009


I am in the process of packing up and cleaning my room. Imagine the amount of junk/books/clothes/papers/bits and bobs/men (ha I wish) I had to throw away/recycle/donate. A lot. Not so good in term of carbon footprint.

I tore of my wall/noticeboard/inspirational board i.e. taking off all the posters/to do lists/pictures/postcards/bills/timetables/love letters (haha) to leave it all bare sans art. Well my kind of art anyways.

So one of the things on the wall was an article. I got this article/list during my 4th year psychosocial teaching and I would like to share it with you guys.


1. Sex should be natural and spontaneous- asking for it spoils it.
2. All physical contact must lead to sex.
3. Men always want and ready for sex.
4. Sex is for male pleasure- a woman's duty is to fill his needs not her own.
5. Men must take charge of and orchestrate sex.
6. If women arent orgasmic they should fake it.
7. Women expect men to know all about sex.
8. Men should not have or at least not express certain feelings.
9. Anything other than the missionary position is dirty.
10. Women must wait for male to initiate.
11. For men, in sex, as elsewhere, it is performance that counts.
12. Women must maintain a 'good' reputation.
13. Women must be attractive, obedient and passive- because men expect it.
14.Having sex menas having intercourse.
15. For couple to have sex, the man must have an erection.
16. Good sex always ends in orgasm.
17. Good sex means both partners having an orgasm, preferably at the same time.
18. There is something wrong with a man who has lower sex drive than a woman.
19. In general, women receive more stimulation from alarge penis than a small one.
20. Nice girls dont get turned on- and they certainly never move during love making.
21. Dont show affection to men because the will want sex.
22. If a woman shows interest in making love, she must be promiscuous.
23. Most homosexuals exclusively adopt the passive or active role in their sexual relationship.

I kinda have my own opinion for each of the statement, but telling it outright here would mean disclosing too many personal infos (and you guys will know my preferences in the subject matter.) End of story.

So there you go. Myths. NOT!

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