Tuesday 6 May 2008

Its getting hot

I think today (6th May) could possibly be the hottest day so far for this year.
Sunshines and cool, comforting breeze.

I was supposed to attend a GUM clinic today, so I was completely annoyed when they people there told me that they are not expecting me (after I made a 30min trip there waking up so early in the morning when they already confirmed it last week for me).

Super annoyed.
The clinic secretary did apologized and I just didnt want to insist to get in the clinic as they were having another trainee doctor in this morning session.
[Hey, I dont want to miss out on all the smelly vajajays and ulcerated dicks. Please let me innnnnnnnn!!!!!- I'm just kidding you thick!]

So I decided that there was only a way to console myself. Shopping.
Boarded a direct bus from that small district hospital to the BIGCITY. And when I arrived, it was getting warmer.

Went into Primark (which was very organized since it was only 10am). Browse through the store and tried many different things. Cutting was generally bad, materials looked cheap-ish, and the price is a bit over the usual for Primark stuff. End up buying a nice pencil skirt. Hehe.

Then on to TKMAXX. Nice. NICE JEANS. I tried on few designers jeans. Fit ok-ish, mainly from last season. NICE SHOES. Tried few pairs, but didnt but anything (just dont feel right)

Then on to a sport shop looking for a ankle and knee support. I swear to God that everytime I run now, I will end up with pain and something crepitations. Ewww... so bought them, and some nice sport bras and running pants. Yeah, the Great Bupa Run... bring it on!!

Then on to all the shops in the shopping complex.... (which is a lot and window shop!)

Topshop! I tried on a lot of pair of Jeans. Their sizing is soooooooo wrong. I am size 0, but size 8 of the bloody discriminating Topshop is already too tight for me. And I know exactly that I havent gain any weight. What will the other girls feel like when they try a pair? Scream in despair?? But anyway, I end up buying two pairs. yeay!!!!

Super happy then.
Again I repeat, super happy.

Went running for a bit. My knees were killing me, even with the knee support.
4k top! Arrived at home moaning, because now my knees AND my ankles are Shiiiiteeee! Gosh, and to think that the run is less than a two week times, I'll be so screwed.

And coz it was so sunny and hot and nice, I opened up window and drew the curtain and lie down on my bed (oh well, my friend's bed actually, remember im staying a friend's house, haha) and sunbathed. So nice.

And slept for whole 4 hours (under direct sunlight) and dreamt of everything that I could possibly dreamt off. Woke up with the biggest mother of all headaches. ouch. PCM STAT. Why headache, I asked myself???? Why?

Anyway, hope tomorrow weather is as nice. can picnic!
p53 xoxo

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