Sunday 2 March 2008

Week Recap

Fuh.. I managed to get through my first week in Paeds without missing anything. So far so good. Have not yet pinch any kids. Hahah, Not that I wish to do so ever so frequently. Reserve for naughty kids. A pinch can hardly do any harm, unless of course he/she has blood problem like haemophilia and the likes.

Few times when I woke up in the morning, I felt as if I dont want to leave the comfort of my duvet (or in fact my friend's duvet). Slept over at her place twice this week alone, as me, her and 2 other friends were busy preparing a booklet for a conference organized by medical students here in my base hospital.

Surrounded by perfectionists and being one myself, everything regarding the booklet will be cross-checked 4 times. Every minute details will be scrutinized. Front cover alone took us hours. (Editor's Note: The fact that p53 doesnt have a clue on how to use Adobe Photoshop made thing worse. She went ballistic when the Adobe kept on asking "Do you want to rasterize the layer?" --> Wtf is RASTERIZE- she asked.)

Conditions seen (and have to revise about):
Absence seizure, cerebral palsy, Asperger's syndrome, pilomatrixoma(!), aggressive behaviour following cakes ingestion(again !), the usual cough and colds in GP, Measles, Glandular Fever, ADHD, recurrent UTI, piles (errkk) and of course CONSTIPATION.

Never underestimate the proportion of kiddies experiencing constipation (almost a third of all OPD consultations). Poor diet consisting mainly junk food is the culprit. Lack of fluid too. Not liking vegetables' not helping. Some parents themselves dont normally have vege in their diet. I read somewhere that with prolonged constipation, the child will learn to avoid defecating (through conditioning) which only gonna make matter worse in long run.

Lactulose and Movicol. Remember. Increase dose, manage in primary care.

My Paeds consultant advised a 10y-o girl to exercise more and eat healthy diet. Walk to school, go swimming, eat more green and fruit, cut on sugary drink, and stop having snack after 8pm. The girl just nodded. She probably forget half of the things mentioned. Even if she remember them, the advices will be quite tricky to follow.

ME 1: What is happening in this world? Dietary advises and diet diary for a 10-y-o?
ME 2: Better to have all the advices now when she's much younger.
ME 1: But still, she only young. She should enjoy food.
ME 2: She'll thank the doctor later when she's a teenager, Hmm, a NOT FAT teen.
ME 1: Is the girl is to be blamed then if she is super dieting (to an anorexic level) then?
ME 2: Fine line there mate!

There are a lot more. Cant be bothered to type them out. Haha. I need to catch on sleep. Lack of sleep for the last few days had given me black eyes (not the iris, duh... black patch underneath the eyes). Not pretty. Eating pattern had also become ridiculous. Hope all will get better once I go further into this module.

PS: I slept for a complete 13 hours (Friday-Saturday)
PPS: American's Next Top Model Cycle 10 is now out! yeay.

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