Thursday 27 March 2008

I'm back from Amsterdam

Hello all...
I am back from Amsterdam, safe and sound. Right at this very moment, I'm eating Dutch waffles. Super sweet. Ah... memories of eating hot waffles (and pancakes!) along Amsterdam's cold, snowy canals.

Me and my traveling partner did all the usual tourists things (like going to museums, sightseeing, shopping and eating) which seem a bit too dull in the first place considering we were raging with energy to do stuff (30km of cycling for instance!). However, I have to say that this trip was satisfying (read: not truly electrifying) getaway as we had no break since we started second semester of 4th year of medical school.

Few museums were visited, plenty of paintings commented on. (Editor's Note: p53 usually wont give a shiiite about art, but boy, impressively she stayed and more importantly enjoyed herself for >2 hours at each museum the she visited!) Canals seen and streets trodden. Cheese tasted and bought for people back home. Learned that the Dutch word for snow is 'sneuww' and good lord it snowed like hell when we were there. Apparently the worst snow since the last 40 years. Awed for a lot of flowers (and i really mean A LOT- more than enough to make my mom go crazy). And of course pictures taken. Abundant!

List of MAGNIFICENT paintings (by p53):-
i) Night Watch by Rembrandt (like wow! Infact I think I said WOW rather NOT softly, few visitors turned their head to look at me with a knowingly smile. Approving the awe to the painting not the loud WOW!)
ii) Blossoming Almond Tree by Van Gogh (I love this one big time, I seriously think and believe that this is a greater painting than the classic "sunflowers")
iii) Ophelia by John Everett Millias (frigging haunting in a very impressive way)

Flowers seen:-

Ok, enough of this flower business. Now the pictures around the city. (Last picture featuring a 3storey parking space for godknowshowmanybicycles!)

Everyone rides a bike here. Dutch or not (read: tourists). Men women kids old ladies old men. In flat shoes, in high heel, in leather boots, in Uggs boots! With/without hat, with raincoat, with winter coats. Wearing trousers, wearing sunglasses, wearing short summer dress, wearing school uniform, wearing mini skirts! I'm just simply amused. This is one very cool city! (How environmental friendly it is, not to mention that plastic bags are not in use here).

All in all, I really enjoyed my trip there. Different culture in different setting. Tulips are blossoming- so beautiful. Tall guys- also an attraction- of course I'm referring to those good looking +tall). The best selection of evening TV shows (all the latest season of US TV series like HOUSE, Desperate Housewives, CSI and many more). The best snow (read: heaviest) I had ever experienced. Yours truly.

Ah yes- I skipped the Red Light District altogether. Guys paying for sex, prostitution, women selling themselves cheap, drinking like there's no tomorrow, things people do when they are drunk: JUST NOT MY SCENE! puhlease. And I didnt try weed/cannabis/white powder/whatever name you wanna call it: I want to have control of my own mind. Why surrender everything to a hallucinogenic agent like weed.

PS: The hotel we stayed was a bit poo-poo. Do not stay at HEM Hotel Amsterdam. Way too out of the city, for backpackers alike.

PS2: How cruel can medical school be? One week holiday for Easter holiday with OSCE in next fortnight! On top of that I'm on-call this coming weekend (hell- yeah- you heard it right)- smack bang in my easter break. I'm so crossed its untrue!!!

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