Thursday 2 July 2009


BAH, it has been over two months since I last posted anything on this blog.

Shame on me.

To all of my friends who has been waiting to hear my latest updates, sorry I cant just be arsed. Its a real effort to find a working computer and internet combo when I'm jet-setting (I like this word very much fyi) half way across the world and back.

Truth is: I have been traveling. And traveling still.

Although I know its hardly an excuse- but trust me without a personal laptop and free wifi,/decent connection speed- connecting to internet is harder. If there's one thing I learn from crossing the continents it'll be: Internet is a luxury not necessity.


In short:
i) I've been backpacking since March 09.
ii) I had taken 3000 pictures in 3 different continents in the last 3 months.
iii) I am guilty of my carbon footprint hence the reason why I limit my travel just in the UK recently.
iv) I made loads of new friends, amend few old connection and broke off with few.
v) I had my heart broken twice. And I'm still standing.
vi) For the first time in my life- I managed to reach the 45kg mark. Yeay!
vii) I passed my medical school and will be graduating on the 15th of July.
viii) After which I will go back home for good.
ix) Three of my very good friends are getting married this month and I'm having mine in 2012.
x) I'm tired.

I was thinking the other day- about this blog. Whether I should keep it/relocate to new server/ create a new one for now my title has change/ or just continue with this one after mini face-lift.

Answer is I dont know. Suggestion welcomed. Due to flippant nature of p53, only God knows what will happen.

Till then.
loves, p53 xoxo

1 comment:

alhi said...

Welcome back! Congrats on passing medical school and enjoy your graduation.
Do keep up your blog once you graduate and update us on your junior doctor adventures! Maybe Dr Sleep and Reasonably Pretty?
And you're getting married? What about the broken heart?