Saturday 1 November 2008

Wish me well

I am very ill. So please do wish me well.
Yesterday, I didn't go in at all. In fact on Thursday (the day before yesterday), I skipped the afternoon half because of this constant headache I had.

On Friday morning, I went to the skill lab to practice some skills. OMFG- how tedious and how I just couldn't concentrate. Then I said to HM#1 (who I love dearly) that I wanted to have some hot soup. Off we went to a small village cafe about half an hour drive from the base hospital.

Back home afterwards, I had some Paramax (Paracetamol + Metaclopramide). Yeah- that was how unwell I was. Nauseous for no apparent reason. Unless you guys want to consider intracranial problem. No, lets not go down that route.

I slept very early (not a surprise, I know) and I was very crossed with myself for missing Little Britain USA. Again.

Hence, that's why I'm up very early on weekend (big no-no in my life). Cross my fingers and hope that something good will happen today.

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